



《漫漫長夜》的第一個擴展將被稱爲 "來自遠方的故事"。該插件本身將包含在擴展通行證中,開始時提供20美元,隨着內容的增加,其費用將增加--最高爲30美元,開發者計劃至少發佈3個插件作爲擴展通行證的一部分。


三個新的地區: 機場, 礦山, 山口


新的遊戲系統: 靜電霧 失眠系統, 短波發射器, 舊式雪橇, 交易者, 安全屋定製等.

新的服裝和食品, 以及稀有工具的變種.



1. 對全圖的資源的更新維護

2. 新的遊戲系統: Improvised Cramp-Ons, 訪客筆記, 可收穫物比如: 牛蒡根和橡子.

3. 改造現有的系統: 如釣魚和滅火

The authors of the survival game The Long Dark announced the imminent release of the first paid DLC, more precisely, several additions. The project has been developing for free for 5 years – the game received major updates with new chapters of the story. At the end of 2021, the developers of The Long Dark announced that they plan to split the game into two — one with a story campaign, the other with a survival mode (we wrote about this here). Now the authors of The Long Dark have shared the details of the first DLC, which should be available in December. The first expansion for The Long Dark will be called Tales from the Far Territory. The add-on itself will be included in the Expansion Pass, which will be offered for $20 at the start, and as content is added, its cost will increase – up to $30, the developers plan to release at least 3 add-ons as part of the Expansion Pass. With Tales from the Far Territory, a new Abandoned Airfield region will be added to the game, with two more regions added later. Three story challenges will also be added to Survival. The developers intend to support The Long Dark with free content. As a reminder, the game itself is still available on Game Pass.


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