
entureBeat的游戏部门的内部人士和兼职编辑Jeff Grubb表示,EA Motive的开发者,他们现在正在制作《死亡空间》的重制版,在其发布后,他们将开始准备一个关于钢铁侠的项目。


But only after the launch of the first. The fact that studios under the control of major publishers can rarely afford to take a break is no secret to anyone: this is the modern structure of activity in the gaming industry, in which everything has long been put on the assembly line. Here are the developers from EA Motive, who are now working on a remake of Dead Space, after its release, they will begin to prepare a project about Iron Man, about which informs insider and part-time editor of the gaming division of VentureBeat Jeff Grubb. Grubb did not go into details, since, obviously, he does not own them himself, but clarified that development will enter the active phase no earlier than after the release of the Dead Space remake. In other words, EA Motive does not scatter resources and is fully focused on a priority project. recommendations Write to our site and earn 20,000r discount on 3070 Ti = for pennies 3070 Gigabyte for 55 tr in Regard 3080 Gigabyte for 70 starting RTX 3070 for 50 tr in Regarde 3060 is cheaper than 40tr in Citylink Computers cheaper than 10 tr in Citylink As for the remake of Dead Space, its release should take place on January 27 on current platforms.


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