


用法:「定語」也就是充當形容詞作用的東西,你可以把一整個從句看作是一個形容詞,the guy who punched you, 打你的那個人,中文語序就是 punched you 的那個 guy 。

定義:在一個複合句中,跟在主句後修飾某一名詞或代詞(統稱爲先行詞)的從句叫做 定語從句(The Attributive Clause).

被定語從句所修飾的詞叫做 先行詞 (Antecedent).

定語從句通常跟在先行詞之後,由 關係詞(Relatives)引出.因此,定語從句又可稱爲關係分句. 定語從句主要分爲非限制性定語從句和限制性定語從句。


關係詞在句子中連接 從句 與 主句,分爲 關係代詞 和 關係副詞

1. 關係代詞:that, which, who, whom, whose

2. 關係副詞:when, where, why


1. Who 指代人

作主語:The man who is standing in front of your door might be a gay. 

作表語:The man is not who he used to be, he is a new person now, from now on, he can proudly be a gay. 

作賓語:I can't remember the man who I spent my night with. 這裏 spend my night with the man,所以 who 作賓語。

2. Whom 只能作賓語且不常用

The person with whom I'm doing the project should be here soon.

3. Whose 意爲「誰的」,可以是人或物,比如門的顏色,人的頭髮等

I'm living with a man whose dick is 8cm.

I have a bedroom whose walls were painted green.

4. That 最常見的,可以指代人或物

作主語:The man that is jerking off over there is my boyfriend.

作賓語:Is he the one that you mentioned earlier?

作表語:He is no longer the little boy that he used to be, he has grown up.

5. Which 替代物

The computer which I wanted to buy is no longer there.

The phone which has a cracked screen is mine.


1. When 時間

I will never forget the day when(on which) he left me.

2. Where 地點

I still remember the place where(at which) we first met.

3. Why 原因

I still don't understand the reason why(for which) he left me.



The news that he died yesterday made me sad. 同位語從句

The news that he told me yesterday made me sad. 定語從句


記住這一句,如果他死活不說先行詞的內容是什麼,那就不是同位語從句,同樣的還有 advice, suggestion, story 等可以「展開說說」的詞,要是你沒看到建議的內容,故事的內容,那就不是同位語從句!


首先,狀語從句的結構爲 連詞 + 從句,不同的連詞有不同的含義,這張圖很好地概括了狀語從句中的九大類型,以及常見的連詞,建議收藏保存。


時間狀語從句主要由 When, While 和 as 引導,三種引導詞分別代表三種不同的時間狀態。

1. When,既可以是某個時間點,也可以表示某個時間段,動詞可以是延續性動詞 (sit, stand等),也可以是非延續性動詞(arrive, kill等)。When 多數情況下用在 一般過去時 + 非延續性動詞,但這裏我會全部舉例。

When you are sitting on your seat, please make sure the seat belt is fastened. 在座位上請確保安全帶繫緊。這裏 sit 就是一個延續性動詞,這個狀語從句表示在座位上坐着的這個時間段

Don't forget to call me when your arrive. 到了以後別忘了給我打電話。這裏 arrive 是發生在一瞬間的事情,所以屬於非延續性動詞,這個狀語從句表示到達的時間點

特殊情況:從句主語的省略,當狀語從句的主語和主句的主語相同,且從句的動詞爲 be 動詞時,主句的主語可省略。 看着挺拗口,其實用例子說明非常簡單。

When you are in trouble, you can always come to me. 這裏主句和從句的狀語都是 You, 而且從句的 動詞爲 are, 所以就可以省略從句的主語,寫成 When in trouble, you can always come to me.

2. While, while 就等於 during the time that,所以後面必須跟 延續性動詞,而且引導的狀語從句多數情況下爲進行時。

While I was waiting in the room, he went home.

While those kids were playing in the playground, the bell rang.

3. as 可以表示「當...的時候」和「一邊...一邊...」,強調主句和從句的動作同時發生,as引導的狀語從句必須跟 延續性動詞。

He jumped as ran on the road. 他在路上邊跑邊跳。 

I broke my leg as I ran home. 我跑回家的時候摔斷了腿。


地點狀語從句由 Where, Wherever, Everywhere 引導。

1. Where

Where there is a will, there is a way. 只要有will的地方,就一定有way (有志者事竟成)。

I will go where you go.

Where 引導的狀語從句比較簡單,主要是區分定語從句和狀語從句的區別,定語從句是一定要有先行詞的。

You can work where you want. 狀語從句

This is the place where he works. 定語從句

2. Wherever 無論在哪

Wherever you go, or how my heart breaks, I will be right here waiting for you.

I will track you down wherever you run. 你逃到哪我都會找到你。

3. Everywhere 每個地方

Things are a total mess everywhere they went. 他們所到之處一片狼藉。


原因狀語從句由 because, as, since, for引導,意思差別不大, since的用法較爲正式,可以在寫作和論文裏面替換because,for引導的從句必須用逗號隔開。

I choose to be here because I like it here. 語氣最強,強調原因

As you're tired, we can take a break here. 表示雙方都知道

You can choose to leave since you didn't enjoy your time here. 語氣較弱,比較正式,表示已知、顯然的理由,通常翻譯爲「既然」

I don't know what happened that night, for I was not there. 寫成並列句,用逗號隔開。


結果狀語從句由 so,that, so/such... that...引導,其中 so...that...和such...that...的區別即爲so和such的區別。

1. so

He didn't sleep last night, so he looked exhausted this morning.

2. that

Smoking is bad for our health that it should be prohibited in public areas. 

在說so... that...和 such... that...之前,我先給大家複習一下 so 和 such 的區別。

so後跟形容詞,You are so nice.

such 後跟名詞,You are such a nice guy.

3. so...that... 太...以至於...

He is so tough that he went through the whole thing all by himself.

4. such...that...

He is such a tough guy that he went through the whole thing all by himself.


目的狀語從句由so that,in order to/that 引導,從句表示目的。

1. so that

I would like to sit in the front row so that I can watch the show closely.

2. in order to

I would like to sit in the front row in order to watch the show closely.

3. in order that

I would like to sit in the front row in order that I can watch the show closely.


方式狀語由 as,as if/as though 引導,用類比、比喻的手法描述動作的方式,「像...一樣」、「彷彿」

1. as

You should wait for the traffic like to turn green as the others do.

2. as if/as though 其實沒啥區別,as if用的多一點,後面常跟虛擬語氣。

He is looking at us as if we've never met before. 

He looks so frightened as though it was the end of the world.


1. 同級比較,as...as...

It is not as simple as it looks like.

She is as good-looking as her sister.

2. 不同級比較,than

Your house is three times bigger than mine.

She looks a lot younger than her twin sister.


條件狀語從句可以由if,unless 等表示條件的詞引導。

1. if,if引導的從句爲一般現在時,主句爲將來時,這很好理解,因爲條件尚未發生,由這個條件所導致的結果必定是在未來,但如果主句所描述的假設必定會發生,主句也可用一般現在時。

If you choose to leave this place, you will see a bigger world. 主句將來時,從句一般現在時。

If you take the fish out of the water, the fish dies. 主句從句都是一般現在時。因爲魚離水必死無疑。

2. unless 表示除非

I will not leave this place unless your tell me the truth.


讓步狀語從句由although,even if/even though, whether, -ever 引導。

1. Although 意思爲儘管

Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine. —— 后街男孩 As long as you love me

2. Even if 意思爲即使,從句描述與事實相反的假設,不能描述事實

I will not move to that place even if you give me a million dollars. 你給我一百萬我都不走。這裏沒人給我一百萬,從句與事實相反,所以用 even though

3. Even though 意思也是即使,但從句描述的必須是事實

I'm planning to go out even though the weather is terrible out there. 外面天氣很差,這是一個事實,即使天氣很差,我也要出門,用even though,自己體會一下和 even if 的區別。

4. Whether 意思爲不管...

I'm going to that place whether you come or not. 有你沒你,我走定了。

5. wherever, whatever, whichever, however = no matter what/where/how/which. 意思爲不管多x

You'll eventually regret it whatever you choose. = You'll eventually regret it no matter what you choose.

However hard he tried, he could not make it. = No matter how hard he tried, he could not make it.

不管他多麼努力,都無法成功。這裏 However 表示的就是 How + ever,而不是「但是」。


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