近日,外掛開發商AimJunkies 對《命運2》開發商Bungie Bungie 進行了反向訴訟。
他聲稱 Bungie 入侵了其關鍵成員 James May 的個人電腦,在兩年內“多次”未經授權的清查所有文件。
據 TorrentFreak 報道,Bungie 目前的許可協議允許該公司有權獲取玩家計算機上的某些文件以進行反作弊,然而,May 在 2019 年底簽署的協議並未包括該許可。
May 的律師指控 Bungie 在他的電腦上“未經授權並祕密的監控私人記錄”,稱其行爲是“有意的、惡意的和刻意的”,反訴稱Bunige 的行爲違反了《計算機欺詐和濫用法》。
Destiny 2 cheat site AimJunkies has announced that it has suffered a hack by Bungie. Now for the company sue. AimJunkies claims that Bungie hacked into the personal computer of one of the group’s key members, James May, and viewed unauthorized files stored on it “several times” over the course of two years. This was done ostensibly to gather evidence for Bungie’s initial lawsuit against the cheat makers. According to the portal TorrentFreak, Bungie’s current license agreement allows the company to use certain files on players’ computers for its anti-cheat. However, the agreement signed by May at the end of 2019 did not include this permission. Now Bungie is accused of “unauthorized and covert surveillance of personal records,” including violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, as well as buying AimJunkies products for analysis and then transferring them to other hands. Recall that Bungie at one time failed to sue AimJunkies. After that, the creators of the cheats decided to continue the retaliatory fight, turning to Valve, PayPal and Google for third-party help. AimJunkies even offered to collaborate with Bungie, but nothing seems to come of it. More on Aroged
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