多人競技遊戲《PROJECT Q》取消開發!



近日,育碧多人競技遊戲《PROJECT Q》的開發團隊在官方Discord頻道上宣佈,本作將取消開發。

開發團隊稱《PROJECT Q》即將進行的封閉測試不得不取消,因爲它將不再繼續開發,Discord頻道也即將關閉。

“遺憾的是我們不得不取消即將進行的封閉測試,因爲《Project Q》將不再繼續開發。這也意味着我們需要關閉Discord服務器。"

《PROJECT Q》最早於2022年4月曝光,並被泄露了早期遊戲玩法視頻,有些類似《守望先鋒》和《堡壘之夜》的結合體,帶有“大逃殺”元素,但育碧官方否認本作將成爲一款大逃殺遊戲。由於項目爲未正式定名,因此《PROJECT Q》可能是被育碧近期聲明的取消三款未公佈的遊戲之一。

© Project Q has been officially canceled by Ubisoft as reported on the game’s official Discord channel. It is currently unclear if this game is one of the three canceled which became known in recent days, not least because these games haven’t been announced yet. Could this be the fourth cancellation in recent weeks and the eighth in the last six months? Will it be one of twelve battle royale games which were under development? Project Q was unveiled in April 2022. Public reaction at the time was rather lukewarm and the game soon disappeared from the radar amid a general lack of interest. It also doesn’t seem to have made much of an impression during gaming tests in recent months. Additional playtests were planned for the first half of 2023 and will no longer be conducted. Obviously, the publisher is cutting back on all these stillborn projects, which the players practically do not care about. In a message posted on Discord, Ubisoft began with the usual congratulations from the community and reminiscing about the excitement generated by the first playtest, before announcing, “Unfortunately, we are forced to cancel our scheduled closed tests as Project Q will be discontinued. This means that we will also will have to close the Discord server.” The message then says that he has no further information to share, simply thanking everyone for their support and inviting those who remain to share their memories until the servers are shut down in the coming days.


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