

Ninja Theory近日对这一报道发表回应:


It’s not quite the way the journalists portrayed it. Today, at the suggestion of individual journalists, information appeared on the Web that the developers of Senua’s Saga Hellblade II are using artificial intelligence (neural network) to voice the game’s characters. This news received a negative response in the community, which considered it a desire to save money on the game, putting its quality at risk. Realizing that such news cannot be left without comment, representatives of the Ninja Theory studio got in touch and clarified situation. So, artificial intelligence is really used by the studio, but only in working versions of the game and only as a “stub”, with the help of which the team determines the timings and arrangements of phrases at an early stage of development. It is not advisable to involve real actors in such work. As for the final version of the game, professional voice actors are certainly already working on it. In other words, Ninja Theory confirmed the information from the journalist, however, as is often the case in unscrupulous journalism, the information was presented in a light in which it was more like “clickbait”. recommendations 3080 Gigabyte Gaming for 70 v Regard 3070 Ti Gigabyte Gaming for 60 tr Write to our site and earn 20,000r discount on 3070 Ti = for pennies 3070 Gigabyte for 55 tr in Regard 3060 is cheaper than 40tr in Citylink Computers cheaper than 10 tr in Citylink When we will see Senua’s Saga Hellblade II is still unknown. stay updated with Aroged.com


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