

《女神異聞:3:攜帶版》與《女神異聞錄4:黃金版》復刻移植版定於2023年1月19日發售,登錄Xbox SeriesX/S、Nintendo Switch、PlayStation4、Steam平臺,盒友們敬請期待。

《女神異聞錄》系列是ATLUS製作併發行的系列遊戲,最初起源於同社的RPG《真·女神轉生》的衍生作品《真·女神轉生if...》。系列第一部作品《女神異聞錄~ペルソナ~》於1996年9月20日發售 。系列歷經20多年的時間,已發售過多部作品,並涵蓋了多個遊戲平臺和多種遊戲類型。

© Today, Gearbox released a new trailer for their upcoming game, New Tales from the Borderlands. The trailer focuses on one of the characters we’ll be playing in the game, Fran Miskovich, the owner of a frozen yogurt diner whose facade has been shot through with a giant laser beam. She uses a hoverchair to move around, and it’s full of gadgets to help players relive their surreal Prometheus adventure. “Fran Miskovich is crazy. You’d be pissed off, too, if some Malivan jerk fired a laser at your little business. So yes, Fran has a lot to complain about, and some anger issues need to be sorted out…but that doesn’t mean she’s not lacking in grace, charm, or real lust for life. Fran holds a lot of stuff, like her trusty hover chair, which is chock-full of useful gadgets for both work and survival. On Prometheus, they often go hand in hand!” New Tales from the Borderlands releases October 21 for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC.


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