《死亡細胞》免費更新“boss rush”模式上線



《死亡細胞》在本次更新中加入了一個新的模式boss rush 在這個模式中,玩家將不得不以連續與3個或5個Boss的戰鬥。



The PC version of Dead Cells received another update – it introduced the Boss Rush mode. Players will have to endure the test in the form of battles with three or five bosses in a row. Enemies will also receive buff modifiers, such as healing or the ability to summon minions. After the final victory, players will be rewarded with new weapons, mutations and skills. Also among the prizes are six new skins and a customizable statue. A console release is expected at the end of October. In August, Dead Cells received an update with nunchaku pans and items from Soul Knight. DLC was then the 30th in a row. stay updated with Aroged


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