近日,Remedy Entertainment官方發佈了最新的財報,涵蓋了2022年的1月--9月,官方表示《心靈殺手2》目前正處於“全面製作階段”,發售計劃仍未改變。
Remedy官方:“我們還有很多工作要做,遊戲的各個方面都在整合,用戶測試也在繼續。”首席執行官Tero Virtala:“在看到各個元素結合在一起後的效果,我相信我們將推出一款優秀的遊戲。”
Remedy第三季度的收入增長了7%,達到790萬歐元。開發費用佔到了95%,《心靈殺手2》和《馬克思·佩恩1》《馬克思·佩恩2》重製版佔據了開發費用的較大比重,《控制》的版稅、《Codename Condor》(《控制》的多人遊戲衍生遊戲)和《心靈殺手》重製版的開發費用都有所下降。
《心靈殺手2》預定將於2023年發行,將登陸Xbox Series X/S、PS5和PC平臺,在錯過了夏季遊戲節的展示之後,它可能會在12月8日的2022TGA頒獎典禮上展示。
Remedy Beyond Alan Wake 2: Updates On Future Control Games Remedy reiterated that Alan Wake 2 will be released in the course of 2023, saying she is very confident that it will prove to be an excellent product at launch. But the Finnish software house has much more meat on the fire within its studios, including the already confirmed new themed projects Control. In its latest financial report, the company provided some updates on the follow-up to Control codenamed Project Heron, as well as Project Condor which is instead thought of as a spin-off focused on cooperative multiplayer. There are actually no particular news on the two projects, whose development is still in the very early stages and therefore still very far from completion. Regarding Project Condor, Remedy reiterates that it is still in the fase proof-of-concept: “We are giving the team time to work on a multitude of important aspects of game design, as well as finalizing the key elements of the game before moving on to the next phase of development.” With regard to Project HeronControl’s successor as a big budget project, the game is still in the concept phasebut the development team has been gradually expanded to better prepare for actual development. The feeling in any case is that the new Control games will only become more concrete after the release of Alan Wake 2currently scheduled for a generic 2023. Fans of Jesse thread therefore they still have to bear a lot of patience.
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