黑盒晚報:《臥龍:蒼天隕落》明年3月3日發售;紅米首款驍龍8 Gen2旗艦來了




2.紅米首款驍龍8 Gen2性價旗艦來了!Redmi K60電競版首曝

日前,xiaomiui從IMEI數據中挖出了K60 Gaming(或最終定名K60電競版)的身影。該機型號顯示爲23011310C,內部代號M10,研發代號 “Socrates(蘇格拉底)”,處理器型號“kailua”。

此前的爆料證實,“kailua”就是高通下一代旗艦SoC驍龍8 Gen2的真身,8核設計,超大核爲Cortex-X3,頻率設定在3.0GHz左右。


由加拿大獨立遊戲開發商Endnight Games打造的恐怖冒險類遊戲《森林》,STEAM今日史低17.5元!感興趣的盒友千萬不要錯過了!


《獵天使魔女3》全球媒體評分現已解禁,截止至本稿發出時,M站均分88 ,共收錄49家媒體。大多媒體給予本作好評。知名媒體這邊IGN 8分、GameSpot 9分、gameinformer 8.25分。


Team Ninja has established itself as one of the best developers of Soulslike action RPGs in recent years (other than FromSoftware, obviously), and though the Nioh franchise is taking a bit of a break, those looking for more Souslike offerings from the Japanese developer do still have Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty to look forward to. Now, we know exactly when it will launch as well. Originally handed a 2023 release window, Team Ninja and Koei Tecmo have confirmed via an official announcement that Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty will launch on March 3 for PC and consoles. Whether we can expect another demo for the title before then remains to be seen, though looking at Team Ninja’s track record with previous releases, it wouldn’t be surprising in the slightest. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty will launch for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One, and PC (via Windows Store and Steam). The game will also be available via Xbox and PC Game Pass at launch. #WoLongFallenDynasty will be available March 3rd, 2023, worldwide on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, on PC via Windows and Steam®, and will be available day one with Xbox Game Pass on console & PC! Get all the game details here – https://t.co/tJXCYth9RH pic.twitter.com/5MkUeyt1vA — Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty (@WoLongOfficial) October 26, 2022


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