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Insomniac Games has been making a name for itself when it comes to superhero experiences. After the release of Marvel's Spider-Man and Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Insomniac Games revealed the next two titles in the series will be Marvel's Spider-Man 2 and Marvel's Wolverine. With the announcement of a game focusing on Wolverine, it was only natural for fans to speculate what other Marvel superheroes Insomniac Games may add down the line, and Hulk seems like a perfect addition. Hulk has long been one of Marvel's most popular superheroes, but it has been a while since he stole the spotlight. The Marvel Cinematic Universe version has joined other heroes, such as when he helped the Gods of Asgard in Thor: Ragnarok, but hasn't had his own film since 2008's The Incredible Hulk. Many fans also weren't happy with the direction his character has gone in toward the end of the Infinity Saga with Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame. While movies and TV shows have left Hulk fans disappointed, Insomniac Games could give them what they have been longing for with a new Hulk video game. One reason why Hulk would be a great addition to Insomniac Games' Marvel series is his relationship with the characters it has already announced games for. Hulk and Wolverine have had one of the biggest rivalries in Marvel comics, with Wolverine making his first appearance in The Incredible Hulk #180. In the following issue, Hulk and Wolverine fought one another and The Wendigo, and since then the two superheroes have battled and teamed up many times. While Hulk and Spider-Man's rivalry isn't as intense, they have also fought in the past, but are usually good friends who have been there for each other when needed. If Insomniac Games were to make a video game with Hulk as the main character, it would be interesting to see his relationships with Wolverine and Spider-Man develop in this universe. Spider-Man and Wolverine could be boss battles in the game, allowing players to fight against the heroes they have previously controlled, or join players in the journey. Similar to how Miles and MJ had playable segments in Marvel's Spider-Man, perhaps the same thing could happen in a Hulk game. When the teaser trailer for Marvel's Wolverine released last year, fans speculated that Hulk would be in the game due to an Easter egg in the background. The trailer opens up showing unconscious people at a bar, surrounded by broken furniture. Wolverine, wearing a flannel shirt and a cowboy hat, has a drink as one of them stands up, walks toward him, and takes out a knife. The trailer ends with Wolverine's claw emerging from his hand. What fans picked up on was a license plate that could be seen on the wall of the bar as Wolverine drinks that reads "HLK 181," a nod to the comic where Hulk and Wolverine first met. Many hope that Hulk will play a major role in Marvel's Wolverine, but getting his own game alongside Wolverine and Spider-Man could be even better. Hopefully Insomniac reveals whatever plans are in the works following its next few ventures once they begin rolling out with Spider-Man 2 next year. Marvel's Wolverine is in development.


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