2.新版英偉達 RTX 3060 Ti 性能曝光:採用 GDDR6X 顯存,跑分提升 7%至 10%
之前有消息稱爲儘快清理 RTX 30 系列顯卡庫存,英偉達將推出新款 RTX 3070 Ti、RTX 3060 Ti 與 RTX 3060,現在 videocardz 帶來了新版本 RTX 3060 Ti 的跑分成績。
3.《生化危機4:重製版》預購開啓 國區標準版售價348元 2023年3月24日發售
《生化危機4:重製版》現已在各大平臺開啓預購,PC平臺 Steam 國區標準版售價 ¥348 元,遊戲將於 2023 年 3 月 24 日發售,登錄 PS5、PS4、Xbox Series X|S、PC 平臺,支持中文、中文配音,遊戲帶有D加密。購買PS4版本可以免費升級PS5版。
《使命召喚19:現代戰爭2》單人戰役模式現已對所有預購遊戲的玩家開放遊玩。外媒dsogaming使用英偉達最新“卡皇”RTX 4090在4K分辨率下對這款遊戲進了評測,讓我們一起來看看吧!
Nintendo has announced that Mario Party and Mario Party 2 will be available on November 2nd for Nintendo Switch Online+Expansion Pack subscribers. Check out the trailer below to see both games in action. Mario Party is the first game in the long-running series, having first launched in 1999 for the Nintendo 64. It features nine Adventure Boards, 56 mini-games and support for up to four players. Solo play is also supported, though. Mario Party 2 was first released in 2000 and adds new Adventure Boards (with unique themes), mini-games and costumes. Both titles support online multiplayer so you can play together with friends online. Stay tuned for more details when they launch next month. Those looking to experience past Mario Party mini-games with more contemporary visuals can look into Mario Party Superstars, which was released in October 2021 for Nintendo Switch and has sold 6.88 million units as of March 31st, 2022. For more details, head here.
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