《吸血鬼倖存者》開發者 Poncle 此前於 9 月表示,將於 10 月 21 日發佈的 1.0 正式版本將是“一個驚喜,併爲所有人都能提供快樂”。日前它已經正式推出,並且官方還發布了遊戲的1.0正式版宣傳片。
Poncle 表示,爲了避免劇透導致驚喜感消失,今天推出的 1.0 更新沒有通常的公測過程。這也意味着遊戲會出現一些 BUG 或是平衡上的問題,玩家可以通過官方 Discord 頻道和 Steam 社區論壇反饋。
1.0 更新種推出了全新的“逆向模式”,會將關卡顛倒,同時會提高金幣獎勵和敵人生命值。對於一些玩家來說這個模式非常令習慣了正常關卡的他們感到不適。同時推出的還有 Twitch 直播者模式,可以讓直播的觀衆選擇升級、特殊命令以及特殊事件投票。
Vampire Survivors, the hit indie game where you get to embody bullet hell, recently received a major 1.0 patch that adds a new stage, new modes, and Twitch integration. If you've already unlocked all relics from version 0.11, you'll automatically get the Achievement The Eudaimonia Machine and the new stage. The two new modes are Inverse and Endless. Inverse flips the stages' layouts upside down, gives bonus health and speed to enemies, but also gives you extra gold, luck bonus, and additional merchant items. Endless is a mode where enemies will resurrect and gain 100% health at the ending of a stage, creating a "cycle." After every cycle, enemies will deal more damage and their spawn rate will also increase. To unlock the Inverse mode, you'll need to obtain Gracia's Mirror. To unlock the Endless mode, you'll need the Seventh Trumpet. There's also a couple tweaked achievements that fix current unlocks. Completing any 30 minute stage with Gallo or Divano unlocks the Bracelet, discovering every standard union and evolution unlocks Candybox, and evolving the Bracelet and Bi-Bracelet unlocks 500 gold. Mindbender also unlocks at 50 collection items instead of 100. The new Twitch mode is an interactive setup where viewers in the chat can control certain options--like whether to reroll or banish and what special events happen. Inverse Mode Endless Mode Achievement Tweaks: Tweaks:
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