



《麻布仔大冒險》是一款由Sumo Digital製作的3D平臺跳躍遊戲,玩家將扮演一隻“麻布仔”,並通過跳躍、奔跑、攻擊等方式躲避敵人(或是擊敗敵人)。本作擁有多人遊戲模式,最多支持4名玩家一起遊戲。


© As yet exclusive to PlayStation, Sackboy: A Big Adventure is getting a set of costumes based on another PlayStation Uncharted franchise very soon. The game was first released in 2020 on both PS4 and PS5. This, in turn, made Sackboy: A Big Adventure the launch game for the next generation system, turning the iconic character into his own 3D platform game, unlike previous 2.5D LittleBigPlanet games. A recent tweet from the PlayStation Twitter account showed off two costumes coming to the game in the coming days. One is based on Uncharted protagonist Nathan Drake, as well as one of his companions, Chloe Fraser. The tweet also reveals when fans can expect to receive these costumes: October 19th. On this day, Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection will be released on PC. Nathan’s costume appears to be based on his latest adventure in Uncharted 4, as indicated by his blue button-down shirt, while Chloe’s costume appears to be more based on her iconic appearance from Uncharted 2. Sackboy: A Big Adventure is available now for PS4 and PS5, with a PC release on October 27, 2022.


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