以前出於興趣購買了命運簡史第一卷黑鏡的實體書《Destiny:Grimoire Amthology - Dark Mirror (Volume 1)》,雖然在購買之前已經知曉該書爲全英文,且購置之後有嘗試過進行翻譯式閱讀,但無奈由於當時課業繁忙且本人英語水平又相當有限,看過一點之後便棄置一旁不復翻閱。而前幾日於黑盒發現有人做了相關文章翻譯(@_Magpie 這個大佬翻譯了不少,我的翻譯也有部分參考了他的譯文),於是又產生了一些興趣,再度翻出該書,並嘗試結合一些已有的翻譯、手機上某詞典軟件以及自身微薄的英語基礎進行閱讀。
- 該文由本人通過查詢翻閱加之個人理解進行翻譯,非官方版本,部分內容並非精確
- 翻譯水平有限且帶有較多主觀意向(由於個人想法可能會在語言和語序上有做調整),意譯爲主
- 每段譯文後會附上英文原文,部分地方有出入在所難免,各位命學愛好者可參照閱讀
- 本篇爲試稿,僅完成了引言部分,之後有時間可能會發布後續內容
前言 foreword
The stories tell of a golden age,long ago,when our civilization spanned the system.It was a bright and hopeful time,but it didn't last...
With these few words, the first delicate seeds of a universe were sown. Many hands had already begun to nurture the primordial ideas and form the bedrock of a world; many, many more would soon come to lend themselves to the task of tending what would become vast and varied gardens of story, and of names and places springing forth from the fundament. Some grew and grasped for the light, blossomed, and as human creations so often do, many of our world's myths and monuments fell to ruin.
And now, here you are in the midst of a thousand radiant roses and ruinous ends. Within this anthology is a selection of voices-the fictional, but very much living characters that have witnessed the collapse of an age, yet goad and strive to shape a future to their own design.
These tales, too, are only just a beginning. As you read, you may detect a thousand more stories still to come, dormant, hidden deep within the fertile soil. They'll whisper and grasp and dare to take root in your imagination-to inspire you not only with what is revealed and implied by these words, these pages, these works, but to allow you to imagine what may yet emerge. Each new revelation may itself be a seed to sow, nurture, and tend in the shaping of worlds to come.
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