RTX 40系列發佈後,被吐槽最多的除了價格偏高,就是“RTX 4080 12GB”。它和RTX 4080 16GB乍一看屬於同一系列,非常接近,但其實是兩種核心,規格相差極大,而且只有192-bit顯存位寬,x70系列在歷史上甚至都沒有過如此之低。
有說法稱,這個所謂的RTX 4080 12GB,其實原本計劃叫做RTX 4070 Ti,甚至是RTX 4070,在發佈前的最後時刻才改名。
NVIDIA解釋說,RTX 4080 12GB是一款優秀的顯卡,但名字取錯了,兩款顯卡都劃入4080系列造成了混亂,因此決定“反發佈”(unlaunch),取消這款RTX 4080 12GB。RTX 4080 16GB則保持不變,將按計劃在11月16日解禁。
NVIDIA官網上,RTX 4080 12GB已經在列表中消失,只剩下了RTX 4080 16GB,而且直接被稱爲RTX 4080,當然,RTX 4080 12GB作爲一款產品肯定不會取消,大概率未來會以RTX 4070的名義迴歸。
“RTX 4080 12 GB is a fantastic graphics card, but it has the wrong name” – this is the beginning of NVIDIA’s press release about the cancellation of the graphics accelerator. On November 16, only the RTX 4080 model with 16 GB of memory will appear on store shelves. The decision was made because the presence of two video cards with the same name, but different amounts of memory, confuses buyers. At the same time, the 12 GB model cost $ 300 less than its “big sister” – $ 899 versus $ 1,199. The company did not specify what they would do with the “younger version”. It will probably be renamed. In September, CD Projekt RED launched a competition among players, where the main prize will be three GeForce RTX 4090 Founders Editions with a back panel stylized as Cyberpunk 2077. According to the rules, Russians can also participate in the draw. August 30 ⋅ 24 AMD unveils Ryzen 7000 line of processors – prices start at $299 stay updated with Aroged
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