


此前,歐盟議會曾推出一項新的法案,要求硬件製造商們在2024年年底之前以USB Type-C接口作爲歐洲市場內各類硬件產品的通用充電接口。蘋果方面在最初時雖然表現出了不願配合的態度,但隨着該法案的正式落地,蘋果也開始在爲該項法律要求做準備。

蘋果將在2023年秋季推出搭載USB Type-C接口的iPhone15系列手機,入門款的iPad產品線預計會在2022年年底更換成USB Type-C接口設計。

還有消息表示,蘋果會在2024年3月份推出一部採用Lightning接口的iPhone SE產品,該產品會在歐盟新法規生效前繼續售賣,蘋果並不會在USB Type-C接口上停留太多時間,其目標是過渡到無接口的無線時代。

The gradual, but inevitable, transition to the USB Type-C port, imposed by the European Union’s community policies, will standardize the way we charge our gadgets and smartphones. By 2024, all Apple products must have made this migration. The forecast is now advanced by Bloomberg technology journalist Mark Gurman in his PowerOn newsletter. According to his conviction, all accessories for Mac computers such as the Magic Keyboard, Magic Trackpad and Mouse will also follow the dictates of the Union until the end of 2024. In order to continue selling its products on the European internal market, the North American technology company will have to give in to the Union’s impositions. Already approved in the form of a Community directive by the European Parliament, this imposition will force all manufacturers of mobile and technological devices to adopt the USB-C port as a standard way of charging by the end of the aforementioned year. Gurman says that Apple already had this legal imposition, so it is already prepared for a gradual transition. poured into your newsletterthe journalist believes that the apple company will comply with local legal requirements in order to continue its business operations. In addition, Gurman believes that Apple should anticipate the expiration of the deadline imposed by the Union. Thus, by 2024 we should have most of its technological products – from the Apple iPhone 15 to all iPads – with the USB Type-C port present. Gurman makes an exception for a possible Apple iPhone SE 4, possibly arriving in Spring 2024 with the Lightning port. Such a possibility would not harm the Community impositions as long as the product reached the market before the end of 2024, as required by the directives. However, most Mac accessories will already have this new port present in 2023 and, at the latest, by mid-2024. Therefore, from the Magic Keyboard keyboard, the Magic Trackpad and the Magic Mouse mouse should already bring this new port in the next year. Power On: Apple’s move to USB-C is just a stopgap until its wireless future. Also: thoughts on Google’s latest Pixel devices, more on the iPad Pro and Stage Manager and another Apple Car departure https://t.co/UjyUw5jb2n — Mark Gurman (@markgurman) October 9, 2022 Finally, the journalist believes that the USB-C era on Apple devices will be relatively short. According to Gurman, Apple’s future will be wireless, with the total absence of connecting cables and conventional standards for charging and data transfer. However, in the near future, Cupertino’s technology will comply with the legislation and thus comply with the European directives recently approved by the European Parliament. Aroged editors recommend: stay updated with Aroged


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