《你好木偶:午夜秀(Hello Puppets: Midnight Show)》是一款第一人稱恐怖向冒險解謎遊戲,玩家將在上世紀80年代中成爲一名木偶大師,爲了創造出一個完美的木偶,你決定使用禁忌魔法,而創造出來的木偶並沒有你想象的那麼聽話,你必須要解除魔法,讓一切迴歸平靜,感興趣的話就來挑戰吧!
《你好木偶:午夜秀》是一部以上世紀 80 年代兒童電視節目爲背景的幽密恐怖冒險遊戲,你是一位木偶製作大師,而你自己的珍貴作品“漢迪曼幫”活了過來,並且還在追殺着你。
操作系統Windows 7-64bit
處理器Intel i5-4590/ AMD Ryzen 5 1500X or higher
內存8 GB RAM
顯卡NVIDIA GTX 960/ AMD Radeon R9 290 or higher
存儲空間10 GB
© Otherworld Interactive, an independent game developer based in Seattle, Washington, USA, has announced that their stealth horror adventure game Hello Puppets: Midnight Show will be coming to PC on Steam on October 19, 2022. This dramatic prequel explores the origins of the infamous horror in the first game in the Hello Puppets! VR through jump scares, tense encounters and a gripping, mystical storytelling. In Hello Puppets: Midnight Show, learn the story of the infamous puppets that haunted terrified gamers in the previous game in this twisted prequel. Outside in 1987. You play as Owen Gubberson, the creator of a quickly failing Muppet forgery called Mortimer’s Workers. In a last-ditch effort to save the dying show, Owen uses a mysterious spell to bring his puppets to life. But his Workers are not what he imagined them to be: they are sadistic, evil versions of themselves, and they are free in the soundstage. Owen now has one night to outrun his puppets and undo the spell that brought them back to life before they kill him and flee.
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