


上週谷歌宣佈將在明年初停止其 Stadia 雲遊戲服務,貝塞斯達目前已確認所有使用該平臺的《上古卷軸OL》玩家將能夠將他們的帳戶轉移到 PC 上。

在《上古卷軸OL》推特上,官方發佈的公告說道:“自從 Stadia 即將關閉的消息傳出後,Bethesda Softworks 和 ZeniMax Online 工作室一直在討論《上古卷軸OL》Stadia 玩家的處理方法,感謝您的耐心等待。”


Since the end of Google Stadia for January was announced last week, many users of the streaming console have been wondering what will happen to their painstakingly worked out scores. At least in “The Elder Scrolls Online” there is now good news in this regard. Bethesda has now officially announced that the complete accounts of “The Elder Scrolls Online” can be transferred from Stadia to the PC. Exactly how this works will be announced in more detail. The Elder Scrolls Online debuted on April 4, 2014 on PC. PS4 and Xbox One were served on June 9, 2015 and Google Stadia was served on June 16, 2020. The next-gen versions for PS5 and Xbox Series X finally followed on June 15, 2021.

