



《骷髏與骸骨》本身就是一個從《刺客信條:黑旗》分拆出來的一個玩法承載了育碧諸多的野心。《骷髏與骸骨》被爆料將於 2022 年 11 月 8 日正式推出。

The secret test phase for Skull and Bones starts this weekend. A growing number of XboxDynasty readers are reaching out to us as they received an invite to this weekend’s Skull and Bones test. If you have subscribed to Ubisoft, you should now check your mailbox and look for the following message: “You have been selected to participate in the Skull and Bones Technical Test on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S taking place September 16-19, 2022. Your feedback is important and will help us refine the game. Be among the first to try the Skull and Bones experience!” = Partner & affiliate links: Possible listed offers are usually provided with so-called affiliate links. With a purchase through one of these links you support Xboxdynasty. Without affecting the price, we receive a small commission from the provider and can offer this website to you free of charge.


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