Galaxy Z Fold 4在極端耐用性測試中以優異的成績通過

來源:WCCF Tech


一個設備的耐久性測試可能是一個痛苦的過程,特別是當設備不能存活時。然而與此同時,我們不得不承認一個事實,即耐久性測試並不能包括全部該設備在現實生活中的使用情況,因爲更多時候,你看到的是測試者將設備帶到一個我們肯定不會採取的極端措施。說到這裏,如果你想知道Galaxy Z Fold 4是否足夠強大,能夠承受一些極端措施,這篇文章就是爲你準備的,因爲我們將看看該設備能走多遠。

測試是由JerryRigEverything的扎克進行的,他是我們最喜歡的YouTuber,以將設備推向極限,有時甚至打破它們而聞名。我不得不承認,所進行的測試有點極端,但這是一件好事,因爲它肯定會激發人們的信心。你可以看看下面的測試,看看Galaxy Z Fold 4如何處理。

扎克讓可憐的Galaxy Z Fold 4經歷了在現實世界中永遠不適用的測試,但是,該設備設法生存並保持功能直到最後。對於一個如此昂貴的設備,你會期望其耐用性很好。然而,值得注意的是,可摺疊設備通常比標準手機更脆弱,但看到Galaxy Z Fold 4經受住了測試,並以優異的成績通過,激發了人們對可摺疊設備的極大信心。

可以說,三星關於製造質量和耐用性的吹噓並不只是吹噓,因爲這款手機在這些測試中絕對錶現得非常好,而這些測試不會在現實生活中得到複製。畢竟,你爲什麼要把你的設備放在沙子和碎石中,對嗎?話雖如此,如果你打算購買Galaxy Z Fold 4,但又擔心設備本身不夠耐用,這應該足以讓你知道購買這款手機不會是一個問題。

There is no denying that looking at the durability tests of a device can be a painful endeavor especially when the device does not survive. However, at the same time, we have to admit the fact that a durability test does not always represent the real-life usage of that device in question because more often than not, you are looking at the tester taking the device to an extreme measure that we certainly will not take. With that said, if you are wondering whether the Galaxy Z Fold 4 is strong enough to withstand some extreme measures, this post is for you because we are going to look at just how far the device can go. If you have not guessed it already, the test is conducted by Zack at JerryRigEverything, our favourite YouTuber who is known for pushing the devices to their limits and sometimes, even breaking them. I have to admit that the tests conducted are a bit extreme, but it is a good thing because it certainly inspires confidence. You can look at the test below and see how the Galaxy Z Fold 4 handles it. As you can see in the video above, Zack put the poor Galaxy Z Fold 4 through tests that would never be applicable in the real world, but hey, the device managed to survive and remain functional till the end. For a device this expensive, you would expect the durability to be good. However, it is worth noting that a foldable device is generally way more fragile than a standard phone, but seeing the Galaxy Z Fold 4 survive the test and pass with flying colors inspires a lot of confidence in the foldable device. It is safe to say that Samsung's boasts about the build quality and the durability are not just boasts as the phone definitely matches to hold really well against these tests that... well, will not be replicated in real life. After all, why would you put your device through sand and debris, right? With that said, if you are planning on getting your hands on the Galaxy Z Fold 4 but are afraid that the device itself is not durable enough, this should be more than enough for you to know that getting this phone is not going to be a problem.

