


近日,開發商Guerrilla Games宣佈《地平線:西之絕境》的DLC“燃燒海岸”是PS5獨佔,這讓很多PS4玩家深感失望。



爲了用技術和創意來達到這個目標,我們做了艱難的決定,全心全力專注於打造 PlayStation 5主機獨佔的精彩遊戲體驗。《地平線 西域禁地:炙炎海岸》將於2023年4月19日登陸PlayStation 5主機。

Recent leaks were proven accurate when Guerrilla Games and Sony took the spotlight at The Game Awards 2022 to announce Burning Shores, an expansion for Horizon Forbidden West. In the wake of its announcement, brief new details have also been shared on the PlayStation Blog. The most major of these details is the fact that Burning Shores will not be cross-gen. While Horizon Forbidden West the base game launched for both PS5 and PS4, its expansion will be current-gen only and will only be available for PS5 when it launches in April. “Our creative vision for the Burning Shores is an ambitious expansion which will take Aloy to the ruins of Los Angeles,” writes game director Mathijs de Jonge. “It’s an overgrown and fractured city that can be fully explored via the water and flying on the back of a Sunwing. A massive machine threat lurks in its shadows – a huge challenge that Aloy must overcome by using all of her skills and abilities. To achieve this grand vision technically and creatively, we’ve made the difficult decision to focus all our efforts on making an incredible experience exclusively for the PlayStation 5 console.” New screenshots for the expansion have also been shared, showing some of the overgrown ruins of what used to be Los Angeles while Aloy flies over them on the back of a Sunwing. Check them out below. Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores will launch for PS5 on April 19, 2023.


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