

1.《艾尔登法环》未来DLC或添加大量新Boss 挑战更刺激

近日国外数据挖掘者Sekiro Dubi发推文称,《艾尔登法环》1.07版更新后,他从代码中发现了预留的30个BOSS空位,这或许意味着《艾尔登法环》未来DLC中,还将添加大量的新Boss。

2.能玩3A大作 国产S80游戏卡开卖:16GB GDDR6显存

在游戏显卡市场上,现在终于出现了中国GPU厂商的身影,今天国产品牌摩尔线程不仅推出了旗下第二款GPU芯片春晓,而且还推出了基于春晓GPU的游戏显卡MTT S80,首发PCIe 5.0,配备16GB GDDR6显存,能玩3A游戏大作,双11就会正式开卖。


由Nimbus Games开发的双人合作第一人称恐怖解谜游戏《怨念》将于今日(11月3日)发售,支持中文。



CD Projekt RED is currently working on several projects for the Witcher franchise. The main one is being developed by the CD Projekt RED studio itself, and their new Witcher should be the first part of a new trilogy. It became known who is the game director of the new Witcher saga. Sebastian Kalemba on his social networks announced that he was appointed to the position of game director of the new Witcher saga. Here’s what he shared about his career on social media: I became the game director of the new Witcher saga. Ever since I joined CD Projekt RED, I believe nothing is impossible and I’m here to create new worlds and raise the bar by telling stories that evoke emotion. I am proud to work for CDPR with such a talented and dedicated team. Sebastian Kalemba has been with CD Projekt RED for about 8 years. It is worth saying that he previously held several positions in the studio: he was the Witcher 3 character animator, the lead animator of the plot additions to The Witcher 3 and the director of animation in Cyberpunk 2077.


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