黑盒早报:《COD19》汉堡王联动兑换码炒疯了;AMD新卡皇RX 7900 XTX实锤



今年最受期待的FPS游戏《使命召唤19:现代战争2(Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II)》终于来了,不过一些玩家正在花大价钱购买汉堡王联动的稀有皮肤。

2.ATI 16年前经典归来!AMD新卡皇RX 7900 XTX实锤

据最新靠谱曝料,现在可以确认,AMD的新一代旗舰显卡将命名为RX 7900 XTX,搭配24GB显存,次旗舰则是RX 7900 XT,搭配20GB显存。




《索尼克:未知边境》在10月22号宣布压盘,目前有人已经提前拿到PS5版本的实体盘,Twitter 用户 Cahloosh 表示,加拿大一家不知名的零售商已经开始销售,售价79美元。

Calling God of War Ragnarok one of the most highly anticipated games of the year would be a massive understatement, but it seems the road to launch hasn’t been exactly what developer Santa Monic Studio would have been hoping for. Over a week ahead of its release, the game has seen physical copies being shipped out early by some retailers, which means major spoilers and leaks for the game are popping up all over the internet. As you may have guessed, God of War Ragnarok’s developers are understandable unhappy with the situation. Cory Barlog, director of God of War (2018) and creative director at Santa Monica Studio, recently took to Twitter to express his frustrating, saying the situation was “just so disappointing.” After apologizing to fans who’ll be dodging those aforementioned spoilers between now and the game’s launch, Barlog added, “This is not at all how any of us at Santa Monica Studio wanted things to go.” God of War Ragnarok is due out on November 8 for PS5 and PS4. Reviews for the game will go live on November 3, so stay tuned for our final verdict on the game. sorry to everyone that you have to dodge the spoilers if you want to play the game fresh. completely ****ing stupid you have to do this. this is not at all how any of us at SMS wanted things to go. 💙 — cory barlog (@corybarlog) October 29, 2022


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