173 Million For Final Fantasy And 85 Million For Dragon Quest – Square Enix Refreshes Sales Of Its Franchises © Square Enix, in its fiscal year 2022 financials, updated the figures for its best-selling series, reporting that Final Fantasy reached 173 million copies sold and Dragon Quest reached 85 million. Among the financial data for the fiscal year 2022, which ended at the end of March, there are also updated sales figures for the main Square Enix series, which are clearly dominated by JRPGs, the real symbols of the publisher in question. The history of Final Fantasy has sold 173 million copies, and it’s really long: the first chapter dates back to 1987, so this year marks 35 years of what became the emblem of classic JRPGs. It is one that is set to undergo significant changes in the near future, given that Final Fantasy 16 should change a lot and present itself as an innovative approach to the series, but retaining some traditional elements, such as powerful storytelling. In turn, Dragon Quest answers this question with 85 million copies sold throughout its history, which also began 35 years ago. Overall, there are fewer main chapters in the series than in Final Fantasy, given that Dragon Quest 11 was the last to be released, and we are waiting for information about the brand new Dragon Quest 12I: The Flames of Fate, which little is known about yet. Definitely breaking away from the other two series, Kingdom Hearts has reached 36 million copies in total physical and digital units. The series, which fuses Square Enix characters with Disney icons, has become a cult hit, but apparently falls far short of the achievements of the company’s other franchises. A new chapter of this game is also expected, the same Kingdom Hearts 4 that we have only glimpsed so far.
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