《龙腾世纪4:恐狼》的开发虽然漫长,但BioWare仍在稳步推进这款经典RPG游戏续作的开发。今年早些时候,BioWare证实这款游戏正处于制作阶段,现在,随着EA网站上的另一个博客更新,BioWare总经理Gary McKay宣布这款游戏又迎来了一个重要的开发里程碑。
Studio Bioware shared with fans the good news about the development of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. In February, the developers reported that the project was entering the production phase. Today, the company announced that it has completed the alpha testing phase of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. The studio already has a ready-made build of the game, which still needs serious improvement, but already allows you to get a full impression of the future role-playing project. BioWare CEO Gary McKay had the following to say about the current state of production of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf: Now we can appreciate the pace of the game, how relationships develop over time and the player’s progress, as well as the coherence of the narrative – in fact, how the story is put together. We can take the story we’ve written and see if we express it well through characters, dialogue, cutscenes, and ultimately the player’s journey. Now that we have the opportunity to do a full playthrough, we can revisit and refine what matters most to our fans. The developers remind that the game is “by no means finished, but Alpha is one of the most important development milestones.”
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