近日据外媒The Verge报道,《英雄联盟》开发商拳头游戏宣布收购Wargaming旗下的Wargaming Sydney工作室,拳头游戏没有透露收购价格。
Wargaming是《坦克世界》《战舰世界》等游戏的发行商,Wargaming Sydney是澳大利亚最大的游戏工作室之一,其于2002年成立,原名BigWorld,2012年被Wargaming收购后,将相关技术用于《坦克世界》《战舰世界》等30余款游戏。
如今Wargaming Sydney被拳头游戏收购,将更名为拳头悉尼工作室(Riot Sydney),并协助开发《英雄联盟》《Valorant》等游戏。
拳头游戏业务总裁Marc Merrill对他们表示了欢迎,Marc Merrill说:““看到这些才华横溢的开发者和团队加入拳头,我们倍感激动,拳头员工对这家工作室充满信任,不仅是因为他们多年来研发的技术,更重要的是开发这些技术的人。Naresh Hirani(拳头悉尼工作室开发负责人)和工作室团队多年以来的工作经验,能加强拳头为玩家提供价值的能力,期待与他们进一步合作。”
In a move that it says will help "accelerate the development of live games," League of Legends developer Riot Games has announced that it is the proud new owner of Australian studio Wargaming Sydney (opens in new tab). The studio was founded in 2002 as BigWorld Technology (opens in new tab), and gained fame as the creator of the BigWorld toolset used in more than 30 MMOs and online games. It was acquired by Wargaming in 2012 and worked on that company's military MMOs: World of Tanks, World of Warships, and World of Warplanes. Following this acquisition, it will be renamed again, to Riot Sydney, and will work to support League of Legends, Valorant, and Riot tech teams. "We are really excited to bring these talented developers and teams to Riot," Riot Games co-founder and president Marc Merrill said. "The Rioters that have had the opportunity to work with members of the Sydney team are confident not only in the tech they’ve built over the years but, more importantly, in the people who’ve built it. Naz (Naresh Hirani, Head of Development, Riot Sydney) and the dev teams at the studio have a long history of working in ways that will complement Riot’s ability to deliver value to our players and we really look forward to collaborating with them." Riot described its new Sydney operation as "one of the largest development studios in Australia." Riot didn't specify how many employees it has, but it was said to be "home to over 100 developers" when Wargaming Sydney joined Australia's Interactive Games and Entertainment Association (opens in new tab) in 2019. It's a relatively small slice of Wargaming's pie, which according to LinkedIn (opens in new tab) has more than 5,500 employees spread across nearly a dozen studios around the world. But it's an important acquisition for Riot, which is maintaining and developing not just one but two major live games, and has other irons in the fire (opens in new tab) as well. "Being part of Wargaming has been a phenomenal journey for us over the last 10 years, and it’s helped our studio grow and thrive," Riot Sydney head of development Naresh Hirani said. "We were really impressed by the cultural fit we’ve experienced in our dealings with everyone at Riot, and we can’t wait to bring our expertise in global development to the respective teams." Riot Sydney will continue operating out of its current offices, and Riot said that the entire development staff will be retained. The publishing team, and the ownership of BigWorld, will remain with Wargaming.
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