《骑马与砍杀2》是一款中世纪战斗模拟游戏,也是《骑马与砍杀:战团》备受万众期待的续作。近日,TaleWorlds Entertainment官方宣布《骑马与砍杀2》现已支持创意工坊。
《骑马与砍杀2:霸主》即将于10月25日退出抢先体验,并推出PS5、PS4、Xbox Series X|S、Xbox One版,该作此前于2020年3月20日在Steam推出了抢先体验版。
© The Steam Workshop for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord has begun. This is a highly anticipated feature for players as the game has been out in the Steam Early Access program for over 2.5 years now, but the integration has finally just happened. Considering the Bannerlord Workshop has only been around for a few hours, there aren’t many mods yet. However, this does not mean that there is nothing worth downloading. One of the mods that can be widely used is Improved Garrison, which is “aimed at improving the management of your castles and settlements”. What does it mean? Basically, you will be able to customize each castle or settlement individually, as well as activate and deactivate the mod whenever you want, which is pretty nice. Interestingly, even without Steam Workshop support, several Bannerlord mods have been announced and released. Perhaps the most intriguing is the RTS mod that turns Bannerlord into Age of Empires. As you might expect, this is an extremely unique mod that understandably has some issues and common bugs due to the genre shift, but the fact that it exists and works is a promising sign of potential things to come for Bannerlord modding. Overall, the Bannerlord modding scene has a lot to look up to. Its predecessor, Mount & Blade: Warband, had many mods that helped the game survive for 12 years after its release. For example, Mount & Blade: Warband – Napoleonic Wars was a truly fantastic addon that first appeared as the Mount and Musket – Battalion mod. There are many other mods that have been very successful, such as The Last Days of The Third Age of Middle Earth, which did an incredible job of transforming Warband into Lord of the Rings. Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord is available on Steam Early Access with a full release on October 25 this year for PC, Xbox Series, Xbox One, PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4.
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