黑盒晚报:Steam App3.0正式版更新;RTX4090游戏跑分,首个真8K游戏显卡


1.Steam App3.0正式版更新:能远程下载游戏、终于能扫码登录了!


2.RTX 4090游戏跑分:首个真8K游戏显卡来了

RTX 4090现已正式推出,2年前英伟达曾称呼RTX 3090是“世界上首个8K游戏显卡”,然而这一表述,除了一些例外,并不能经得起严格的审查,除非你能受得了游戏以30帧或更低帧数运行。

而继任者RTX 4090则是另外一个故事了。根据油管频道The Tech Chap的测试,他发现英伟达这款基于Ada Lovelace架构的旗舰产品能实现毫无妥协的8K游戏,在最高画质(甚至包括光追)以及DLSS超分辨率(终极性能)下平均帧数都超过了60FPS。






Adding to Square Enix’s onslaught of role-playing games this season is Star Ocean: The Divine Force. Developed by tri-Ace, it takes place on Aster IV with dual protagonists Raymond and Laeticia. Several party members accompany them, including the recently revealed Marielle L. Kenny and Malkya Trathen. Check out their latest character trailers below. As vice-captain of the Astoria, Marielle has a role in destroying Raymond’s ship, though for what purpose is unknown. Based on the last name, it’s clear that she’s a descendant of past Star Ocean characters like Ronyx J. Kenny. Malkya’s race is native to the planet, and she lends her aid in the fight against the Vyrians. While Marielle utilizes guns, Malkya fights up close and can extend her limbs via shape-shifting for added range. The total number of party members is ten, which should provide a range of options in combat. Star Ocean: The Divine Force is out on October 27th for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, and PC. Check out the final Mission Report video to see some of the bosses.


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