

1.消息称新卡皇RTX4090 Ti用力过猛 致电源跳闸等

虽然老黄发布了RTX 4090,但是它尚未用上“满血版”AD102 GPU核心,所以大家很期待真正意义上的RTX Titan新卡皇。据外媒最新报道称,Ada Lovelace Titan新卡皇虽然有很多人期待,但它本身还需要重新调整,因其触发断路保护、且偶尔情况下可能过热熔化电源连接器。



3.DLSS 3一骑绝尘!NVIDIA RTX 4090评测:能效比远比想象的更优秀

2年前,NVIDIA RTX 3080拉开了RTX 30系列的大幕。这一次,Ada Lovelace RTX 40系列,NVIDIA直接拿出了旗舰级别的RTX 4090,而且还会有一定数量的公版会在国内电商平台开卖。本次评测,我们主要将对RTX 4090在3个分辨率下性能表现、功耗表现,以及重点打造的DLSS 3进行体验。




It’s been somewhat peaceful in Player First Games’ MultiVersus, but now Stripe from Gremlins is available in-game. As the franchise’s antagonist, he’s an Assassin-type character who can cause all kinds of carnage. Check out the latest trailer below to see him in action. A deeper dive should be available over the coming days regarding Stripe’s move set and abilities. For now, he can be seen throwing buzzsaws and shooting opponents with a gun and/or hand crossbow. Stripe can also swipe with his claws and take a massive bite out of opponents. Due to his small stature, getting a bead on him can be difficult. Stripe is the latest playable character to be added in Season 1, which has seen the addition of Gizmo, Morty Smith, and Rick Sanchez thus far. Black Adam is also planned to go live this season, so stay tuned. MultiVersus is available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, and PC. It crossed 20 million players in less than a month.


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