


外媒PC Gamer称,《使命召唤19》和《守望先锋:归来》一样,都需要绑定手机号码才能注册游玩游戏。动视表示因为一个手机号只能注册一次,这样会使作弊玩家开挂的成本增加,从而减少作弊行为的产生。




《星际公民》仍然是业界最令人期待的游戏之一,开发商Cloud Imperium Games的野心不断增加,使得这款众筹游戏的开发变得永无止境了。不过看起来,玩家们并不在意这一点,如今,《星际公民》的热度依然不减。




If or when Star Citizen or Squadron 42 – the single player game set in the same universe – will ever release is a question that’s been asked no few times over the course of what feels like forever, but Cloud Imperium Games continues to plug away at both projects behind the scenes. Star Citizen is still breaking crowdfunding records and is seeing increased player engagement in recent months, but there’s an interesting update for those who’re more concerned about the single player experience as well. A new video has leaked – supposedly an internal review of the game at the studio – that shows over 9 minutes of in-engine footage from Squadron 42. It’s not an extended demo, and instead functions more as a montage of sorts that shows a number of locations (both on the ground and in space) and several characters, before also showing some glimpses of gameplay footage, showing on-ground gameplay and dogfighting. You can check it out below. As for when we’ll hear anything official about Squadron 42 or get to see an actual gameplay demo, that remains to be seen. Earlier this year, Cloud Imperium Games said that the game was still at least a year or two away from launch, while prior to that, the developer stated that it wasn’t going to show any new gameplay until it was closer to launch.


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