
今日(10月8日),无主之地官方推特宣布新作《新无主之地传说》已经"Gone Gold"这是一个游戏术语,意思是游戏已经制作完成,已经到了游戏发行前的最后一个阶段了。

在以前还未进入数字时代,游戏发行还很大程度依赖于光盘时,游戏开发商完成游戏后会制‌​​​​​​​‌​‌​​​‌‌‌作一张金色的母盘交给游戏工厂批量复制发售。后来gone gold就被用来表示母盘完成,即制作完成。

游戏将于10月21日正式发售,登陆PlayStation 5、Xbox Series、PlayStation 4、Xbox One、Switch和PC。

Gearbox has announced that New Tales from the Borderlands has gone gold. The announcement, made over Twitter, means that the game is on track to meet its October 21 release date. Going gold essentially means that primary development on the game has completed and it has been submitted to platform holders like Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft so that it can be released on consoles. Typically, a game going gold marks the end of the main development of a game and the start of work on updates and future content. New Tales from the Borderlands was announced back in August during Gamescom Opening Night Live. It focuses on the story of three lovable losers who can’t stay out of their own way. The game is set to take place over five parts, and will feature new as well as returning characters. New Tales from the Borderlands is coming to PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch. For more details, here are 10 of the game’s features that you should know about. It's official! New Tales from the Borderlands has GONE GOLD. See y'all on 10/21! 👉https://t.co/BsJr6zjlvX pic.twitter.com/2nE5wRgeWG — Borderlands (@Borderlands) October 7, 2022


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