黑盒早报:《极品飞车22:不羁》正式公开;RTX 4090公版10月15日开售


1.《极品飞车22:不羁》正式公开 12月2日发售

《极品飞车22:不羁》正式公开,该作将于12月2日发售,登陆PC,PS5和Xbox Series X|S,“自下而上,赛至巅峰”。预购的玩家可提前3天,也就是在11月底游玩游戏。

2.英伟达官宣:RTX 4090 公版 10 月 15 日开售,12999 元

昨天,英伟达宣布 GeForce RTX 4090 显卡现货线下首发。2022 年 10 月 15 日,英伟达联合沈阳京东 MALL,携手三大显卡厂商,英伟达公版以及华硕、七彩虹、微星的非公 RTX 4090 将正式开卖,12999 元起。






Maleficent actor Elle Fanning will appear in the next game developed by Kojima Productions, the company confirmed at PAX Australia 2022. Kojima Productions began teasing Elle Fanning at Tokyo Game Show 2022, where the developer’s booth featured the portrait of a woman with a hidden face, with the question “Who am I?” layered atop it. Earlier this week, Kojima Productions’ founder Hideo Kojima began teasing the portrait again, stating “The answer to ‘WHO’ at Tokyo Game Show will be in the next ‘WHERE.'” He followed up a day later with the question, “Where am I?” The “where” has turned out to be PAX Australia 2022. Scanning a QR code accompanying the previously released “Where am I?” portrait on display at the event leads to a new image confirming Elle Fanning as the woman in the portrait. The side of the new portrait reads “A Hideo Kojima Game x Elle Fanning.” Thanks, @manfightdragon.


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