《忍者神龟》系列游戏在游戏领域正在卷土重来,版权方派拉蒙公司近日透露,他们计划在2023年发布一款全新的 3A 级《忍者神龟》游戏。派拉蒙提到了今年早些时候推出的 《忍者神龟:施莱德的复仇》 以及上个月刚刚发售的 《忍者神龟 卡瓦邦嘎合集》。
没错,据说一款新的3A级忍者神龟游戏正在制作中,或将于明年发布。这是我们第一次听说,我们可以大胆猜测,它可能在未来几个月内揭开面纱。Geoff Keighley的年度游戏奖活动,将于今年12月8日开始,到时我们可能会知晓一些消息。
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise is making a comeback of sorts in the gaming sector. Publisher Dotemu and developer Tribute Games recently released Shredder's Revenge, a beat'em up game that received a strong recommendation (9/10) in Ule Lopez's review. TMNT: Shredder's Revenge brings the best of the arcades and the modern-day improvements like higher fidelity visuals and online play to magnificently bring together an amazing beat'em up that can be enjoyed by just about anyone. You will be able to enjoy this beat'em up even if you don't have any sort of investment in the IP as the game's accessible mechanics and replay value will keep you coming back to kick some bad guys out of Manhattan. Digital Eclipse and Konami Entertainment also launched the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection remaster last week. But the most exciting new project may be coming next year, at least according to news shared in the latest issue of Toy World magazine (September 2022). Here's the excerpt from page 170: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are back with a new look and movie. Paramount will be launching an extensive new range of action figures and plans to expand further at the back end of the year. Collectors are being served by nostalgic gaming releases, including an already launched new retro-themed game: Shredder's Revenge. Paramount is also planning a remaster of Konami's The Cowabunga Collection at the end of the year and will launch a brand-new original Triple-A game in 2023. That's right, a new AAA Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game is said to be in production to be released next year. It's the first time we've heard of it, but if the project is indeed relatively close to release, we could hazard a guess that it might be unveiled in the coming months. Geoff Keighley's annual The Game Awards event, set to air on December 8th this year, could be the right avenue.
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