《超越善恶2》是育碧最难产的游戏,没有之一,那么多年过去了,这款游戏的前景依然一片渺茫。据外媒kotaku消息,《超越善恶2》由育碧蒙彼利埃负责,该工作室的总经理Guillaume Carmona已经离职。目前,该工作室正面临当地政府部门的劳动调查,原因是很多员工都疲惫不堪、病假太多。
该工作室上周告诉员工,自今年年初以来一直缺席的董事总经理Guillaume Carmona不会再回来,并已离开育碧。Carmona是育碧近20年的资深员工,最初从事市场营销工作,于2019年离开育碧巴黎工作室,成为育碧蒙彼利埃工作室负责人。当被问及为何离开育碧时,Carmona拒绝置评。据三位熟悉该工作室的消息人士透露,在他离开之前的一年内,蒙彼利埃有数十名开发人员因压力或疾病而长期休假。有些人之后回归工作,也有另一些人最终离职,这也引起法国劳动检查办公室的注意。
According to my citydevelopment studio Beyond Good and Evil 2 lost its managing director. It is reported that Guillaume Carmonaabsent from work since the beginning of the year, completely left Ubisoft. Carmona declined to comment on the reason for his departure. He was a Ubisoft veteran with nearly twenty years of experience. IN Ubisoft Montpellier he got there in 2019, having moved there from the main office in Paris. However, even before Carmona’s departure last year, Ubisoft Montpellier employees began to burn out due to stress. Many, including the lead developers, have gone on extended vacations. Some of those who left ended up leaving. According to Kotaku, the incident attracted the attention of the French labor inspectorate, who visited the studio in December last year. Now a third party must take over the health and well-being of employees. Recall that last year in the Beyond Good and Evil 2 team there were changes in the positions of senior creative director and game director. Original Executive Producer, Guillaume Brunierwhile he remains at his post. More on Aroged
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