如龙工作室的《如龙 维新!极》已在全球范围内推出免费战斗试玩版。当然那些预购了数字豪华版的人从周五开始就可以抢先体验这一版本。这部分玩家可能会注意到一些PC版本的问题,比如各种效果第一次加载时卡顿,或者UI界面元素在超宽显示器上显示出现错误。
《如龙 维新!极》即将登陆Xbox Series X/S、Xbox One、PS4、PS5和PC。这是2014年《如龙 维新!》PS3和PS4平台游戏的重制版,故事发生在日本幕末维新时代,主角是坂本龙马。
© Fighting on the streets of Kamurocho in Yakuza games has always been divisive, with some favoring the original Yakuza button smash, while others are fans of the Yakuza: Like a Dragon RPG-style turn-based combat. The turn-based combat in Like a Dragon was not varied enough compared to the previous installments of the game, which could make it seem monotonous and boring. Critics who appreciated the combat system shared their opinion on this matter. Yakuza: Ishin provided as many as 4 combat styles, taking mechanics from previous parts of the game as the basis. Using fists, a katana, a pistol, or all together, the player will be able to choose from the whole mass what he likes best. And of course, the use of environmental items also adds to the game’s combat system, noted reviewers. In past Yakuza games, players mostly used their fists and legs, but they could also take traffic cones, bicycles, daggers, and pistols to use as weapons. However, these weapons were not as interesting as what players can get or buy, and upgrade on top of everything else, so the main weapon became the most interesting part of the game, the reviewers admitted in their report. The game encourages players to pair their main weapon with the four fighting styles as they offer different combinations for using it, increasing the character’s speed and agility. Players can switch between them depending on their needs, which gives the combat a fresh feel. Soldier cards further enhance the sense of variety and strategy. They provide players with special abilities and vary in their types and properties, with the rarest becoming the best ones to use. In conclusion, critics noted that Ishin offers a much-needed polish and improvement to the combat mechanics, which are based on successful ideas from past games in the series. With new combat styles, cards, and primary weapons all added together, these things add a lot of variety to combat mechanics and combat in general. Release of Like a Dragon: Ishin! will take place on PC, Xbox and PlayStation on February 21, 2023.
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