此外,2月21日,白金工作室还将举办《合金装备崛起:复仇》的10周年特别纪念活动,具体内容暂不可知,但之前,《合金装备崛起:复仇》“雷电”的英文声优Quinton Flynn曾暗示过玩家关注最新消息。
© On February 19, 2023, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance celebrates its tenth anniversary of release. Developed by the PlatinumGame team and published by Konami, the game was completely different from the classic stealth action game of Kojima’s work. The result is a very specific game that didn’t achieve financial success like the main installments of the series, but became something of a cult favorite, especially appreciated by pure action fans. Unfortunately, those who were expecting big news for the anniversary will be disappointed for the moment: there doesn’t seem to be a re-release, nor any significant news on the matter other than a simple tweet posted by the official Metal Gear series account. When the game’s tenth anniversary celebration was announced, many thought of a possible Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance reboot, perhaps with a remaster or remake, but Konami doesn’t seem to be of the same opinion. Either way, this could be a great opportunity to rediscover an original that, as it turns out, is still a very good game.
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