
《霍格沃茨之遗》的游戏总监 Alan Tew 近日接受IGN采访时明确表示,目前暂无开发《霍格沃茨之遗》后续DLC内容的计划。

当然这并不意味着后续就无更新,开发团队仍将推出 游戏性能优化、品质改善等补丁,Alan Tew 表示 他们一直在努力让《霍格沃茨之遗》能够栩栩如生。

值得一提的是《霍格沃茨之遗》在发售后取得了巨大成功,首周Steam在线人数峰值超过87万(具体为879308),在Steam平台单机游戏中仅次于《赛博朋克2077》(1054388)和《艾尔登法环》(953426),目前评价为也特别好评。另外,本作PS4版Xbox One 版本将于4月4号发售,Switch7月25号发售。

© Avalanche Software has revealed that the studio has no plans to release additional content for Hogwarts Legacy at this time. Hogwarts Legacy game director Alan Tew explained that the team has been so busy getting the game ready for launch last week that there are no plans to release any expansions just yet. We’ve been hard at work on Hogwarts Legacy, so there are no DLC plans at the moment. Of course, this does not mean that Avalanche Software will not support the game after launch, as it has already released a patch for the game that includes several performance improvements and other updates. Hogwarts Legacy has also already received some additional quests thanks to a PlayStation-exclusive quest taking place in Hogsmeade. Fans will have to wait and see if Avalanche Software will announce any additional missions, but given Tew’s comments, that’s unlikely. However, the game has had an exceptional start, garnering close to half a million players on Steam before its official launch, so the success could spur the developer and publisher to expand the wizarding world.


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