

《文明》新作将由Firaxis Games负责开发,工作室负责人Steve Martin在该公司工作25年后将离开工作室,开发工作将由Hazen负责。Hazen肩负着“打造全球最好战略游戏”的使命。她于2020年加入Firaxis,之前在Epic担任《堡垒之夜》制作人。


And on we go in the Leader Pass of Sid Meier’s Civilization VI! Firaxis has now released the next DLC called Rulers of the Sahara – and here’s what’s inside! Anyone who has stocked up with the Leader Pass for Civilization VI can now get the next DLC package called “Rulers of the Sahara”. In this you return to the cradle of mankind, which contains Ramses (Egypt), the Ptolemaic Cleopatra (Egypt) and King Sundiata Keita (Mali) Here’s a rundown of what these characters are capable of: Rameses (Egypt) After ascending the throne in his mid-20s, Ramses grew into one of the greatest and most powerful pharaohs of the Egyptian Empire. He is still famous not only for his military campaigns, but also for the impressive buildings he built – including the Temple of Abu Simbel and the Ramesseum. In game, this means that he wants to upgrade as many tiles as possible and doesn’t like civilizations that don’t upgrade their tiles or set up national parks. New ability: Abu Simbel Grants Culture equal to 15% of the construction cost on completing buildings and 30% on completing Wonders. Ptolemaic Cleopatra (Egypt) Cleopatra had at the beginning of her rule – even before the conflict with her brother Ptolemy XIII. – Take on various urgent matters, including debts to the Roman Republic and a famine caused by drought. Concerned that her subjects in Alexandria would not get enough to eat and might rebel, Cleopatra opened the granaries to the public and banned the sale of grain outside the capital. Since Egypt served as an important source of food for the Romans even during this difficult period, Cleopatra likes high food production civilizations and dislikes low food production civilizations. New Ability: Arrival of Hapi Alluvial resources gain +1 Food and +1 Culture. +1 attraction for alluvial land instead of the usual -1. König Sundiata Keïta (Mali) Known as the Lion of Mali, Sundiata Keïta was paralyzed from birth. After the death of his father, he and his mother were banished to the kingdom of Mema. There he proved that he could hunt and fight very well, eventually returning to Mali where he defeated the sorcerer-king Soumaoro Kanté. In doing so, he inspired generations of poets to write the Sundiata epic. The Lion of Mali dislikes civilizations vying for tourism because of their agenda. New Ability: Sogolon Great Persons cost 20% less gold to recruit and the market gains 2 Great Works of Literature slots. Great Literature works gain +4 Gold and +2 Production. The Leader Pass, which corresponds to a Season Pass, includes a total of 18 new playable leader variants for the turn-based strategy epic. These will appear across six DLC packs through March 2023. Sid Meier’s Civilization VI – Leader Pass: Great Commanders Pack Trailer With the “Great Commanders Pack” the next DLC is ready for you as part of the Leader Pass for Civilization VI.


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