The Centaur is designed to provide its pilot with increased defenses while also granting powerful firepower. On the left arm, a large ballistic shield is installed that is able to cover most of the vulnerable area where the pilot is seated. Installed on the right arm and powered by an external power unit located on the spine is a thermal weapon that fires heat waves. After several shots, the power unit will become prone to overheating. While it is overheated, the exoskeleton cannot be operated by its user, leaving them vulnerable. Due to its size and weight, the exoskeleton also lacks agility.
An Aldecaldo by the name of Euralio Alma, found in Rocky Ridge, the Badlands, can be encountered while utilizing a Centaur exoskeleton. He must be neutralized for Regina Jones after he has gone cyberpsycho. Another cyberpsycho by the name of Chase Coley can be encountered in Rancho Coronado while operating a Centaur.
In an attempt to increase the NCPD's strength against crime, several officers operate Centaur exoskeletons.
Maelstrom, while under leadership of Simon Randall (aka Royce), hijacked a Militech convoy and acquired two of these exoskeletons as a result.
If a violent outcome during "The Pickup" is chosen, and Royce is kept alive during the initial standoff:
Royce will be suited up in an exoskeleton and will act as the final encounter of the job.
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