

在上个月《GT赛车》庆祝25周年之际,开发商Polyphony Digital邀请了日本游戏媒体到其办公室参观,首席执行官山内一典接受采访时提供了有关该系列发展方向的更多细节。山内一典表示,他认为他对游戏的设想与粉丝的期望之间存在差距,例如虽然《GT Sport》推出后遭到了大量玩家的反对,但它为《GT赛车7》铺平了道路。


Gran Turismo has been synonymous with accurate car models since its debut, bringing a level of detail and fidelity that wowed players. But as graphics have steadily improved and the technology has upgraded, the time and effort needed to build these car models has also expanded. As Gran Turismo celebrated its 25th anniversary last month, Polyphony Digital invited the Japanese games media to its offices for a tour while CEO Kazunori Yamauchi gave interviews that provided some more details about where the series is headed. Handily translated by gtplanet, Yamauchi expanded on fan expectations and the car roster. Related: Gran Turismo 7 Players Share Their Lowest PP Cars In the interviews the Gran Turismo creator said he thinks there is a gap between what he envisions for the games and what fans want, but that it is "healthy" that this difference exists and cited how the experimental nature of Gran Turismo Sport, which received a ton of fan backlash on its release, helped to pave the way for Gran Turismo 7. These fans also pepper the studio with requests for certain cars to return to the game. Players often have their favourite cars with each iteration often featuring new models, while new games sometimes drop these in favour of others. While fan fave the Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak returned to the game in an update, other older favourites like the Toyota Chaser and Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 4 have not, which were mentioned by Yamauchi as persistent fan requests. However, the resources at Polyphony Digital are finite and the time it takes to create a car in the game from scratch can now take 270 days. Yamauchi said the current car creation rate is around 60 new cars a year, however the rate of new cars in Gran Turismo 7 doesn't reflect that since the game has seen 30 new cars in the nine months since it launched. The studio head was replying to a question regarding whether Polyphony would aim for the 1000+ cars of previous entries such as Gran Turismo 5. The developer said they weren't specifically targeting this number and that it wasn't likely to happen within the lifetime of GT7. This is notable because it's the first time Yamauchi has acknowledged the game has a finite lifespan and won't be updated indefinitely like a live service title. There are more comments from the Polyphony Digital boss including his thoughts about the rising costs of wheels and sim racing so head on over to gtplanet for the full lowdown.


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