




     Lucy wrote "You didn't take me to the moon, but you were there with me" on David's niche in the North Oak Columbarium. At some point after, Lucy fulfilled her dream of making it to the Moon, while seeing a vision of David similar to their first braindance experience together.

     David Martinez' exploits became a popular topic around Night City in what was left of 2076, framing him as one of the local legends. The media tried to pin the damage around Corporate Center to a terrorist attack caused by unknown perpetrators, but rumors circulating around the metropolis reassured some residents it had been instead the last stand of David, who had quickly risen to prominence in the previous year.

     In 2077, a mercenary by the name of V encountered the braindance of Lt. Col. James Norris at Megabuilding H4, with an addendum warning that the BD was a "cautionary tale" that David did not heed. After watching it, V's curiosity piqued, contacted Muamar Reyes while wishing to know more about David. 24 hours later, Falco contacted V via text message, briefly talking about his experiences with David and his crew, noting that David and V share similarities, but stating that his crew's "15 minutes were up" and not to come looking for them. However, Falco then informed V to visit Muamar, as Falco had a left a package with him—David's Jacket, a final parting gift from one edgerunner to another.

注:游戏中的简中原文为“我们早退休了,改行干别的”,而百科原文为“15 minutes were up”,我没有在词典中找到这句话的意思,可能是俚语或者歇后语,如果有知道的大佬可以说一下,我这里是按游戏原文的意思翻译为“金盆洗手”。










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