
硬核生存射击游戏《逃离塔科夫》开发商Battlestate Games在直播平台Twitch上被封禁,Twitch上给出的公告为Battlestate Game违反了该网站的社区准则或服务条款,何时解封未知,目前Battlestate Games也未透露具体原因。

由于Battlestate Game定期通过Twitch直播为粉丝提供《逃离塔科夫》的最新消息,且有大量赠品掉落活动,在被封禁后,粉丝们十分不适应。

这已经不是开发商Battlestate Games第一次被Twitch封禁了,据报道,2019年,该团队中的一名开发成员在直播中用空枪指着自己的头,扣动了扳机,导致该账户被BAN。

© Battlestate Games was banned from Twitch on January 1, for the second time in three years. While the previous ban was due to a developer faking suicide, no official reason has been provided for the current ban. The ban came at a time when Battlestate Games was planning a holiday Twitch broadcast of Escape from Tarkov, so the timing really isn’t the best! Unfortunately, there is no way to know how long the ban will last. “This channel is temporarily unavailable due to a violation of the Twitch Community Guidelines or Terms of Service,” the developer’s channel reads. Fans launched a hashtag on Twitter to draw attention to the ban by sharing #FreeBSG on the platform. Twitch users have complained that the platform’s rules can be too strict and sometimes even nonsensical. Given this, it’s hard to imagine Twitch holding the ban for too long, but Escape from Tarkov players can still get Twitch drops even without Battlestate Games on the platform as the stream continues through the SherpaHub channel. Battlestate Games owes much of the success of Escape from Tarkov to Twitch; Escape from Tarkov has gained significant popularity thanks to game streams. Over the past few years, Twitch streamers have helped introduce audiences to a range of games they might not have found otherwise, popularizing games like Among Us and Phasmophobia. Banning Battlestate Games won’t stop streamers from playing the game on Twitch, but the developer is interested in playing with the platform and making sure it doesn’t happen a third time! Escape from Tarkov is available exclusively on PC.


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